Leading with Insight Selling
With the introduction of an Insight Selling Approach at Herman Miller, we have incorporated some early messaging and idea-starters to help seamlessly connect Mirra 2.
Our approach to Insight Selling with seating centers around three core ideas:
You sit more than you sleep
If you think about what you do during the course of a day you will discover that you spend a surprising amount of time in some kind of chair. An alarming number of people spend ¾ of their day from dawn to dusk sitting.
Our bodies were made to move. Lack of movement actually makes you uncomfortable and can cause you to lose focus. Can you afford to be uncomfortable, unfocused, and unproductive for even a part of your day?
Rational Drowning
Research that we've done in developing new seating solutions has uncovered some startling facts:
Emotional Impact
Think about the impact that an unfocused work-force could have on your bottom line? Or your annual spend on healthcare and workers compensation.
Value Proposition
It isn't about the chair you invest in. It's what the chair you invest in does for you.
Sitting properly in a good ergonomic work chair that aligns your body with your work space and your technology can improve the way you work and feel. And sitting in a chair that encourages movement is good for you too, because your body was made to move, not to sit still.
When you're sitting comfortably - not stiff, hot or sore - it's easier to focus on your work. And when your chair lets your blood circulate freely, more oxygen can get to your brain.
How do you sit? That's a question you're unlikely to ask: it's one we never stop asking. Because we care about how you sit, we keep discovering and inventing new advances to help you enjoy greater comfort, support, and health every time you sit.
As human beings, we know that aesthetics play an important part in our satisfaction with our surroundings, too. That's why we also invest a great deal of attention to the forms our chairs take and your choices for personalizing their appearance.
Our dual pursuit of art and science - a journey of problemsolving, human-centered design we have been on for over 60 years - results in work chairs designed around you. Our goal is to make you comfortable in your chair for as long as you sit.
Our work chairs incorporate two performance features more important to your health and productivity than anything else: alignment and support.
Let's talk a bit more about how you work, and we can narrow down your choices for which chair best meets your needs.
1 New York Times
2 American Academy of Pain Medicine
3 OSHA Europa
See also