Locale enables the creation of dynamic, high-performance work neighborhoods within open-plan environments. In combination and proximity, a composition of Locale elements encourages the free and intuitive shift from individual work to collaborative and social activities and drives serendipitous interaction. The subtle curvature of Locale's surfaces signals openness, invites interaction, and is designed to generously accommodate multiple collaborators, work styles, and tools. People move and change positions naturally because of the centralized structure and cantilevered surfaces. With the addition of height adjustability, a push of a button allows an individual to sit down for focused work or stand up to collaborate with colleagues. Adjustability is not limited to surface height-mobile tables, screens, and easels can be utilized as the need arises. By easing physical and experiential transitions, Locale's consistent and thoughtful design vocabulary contributes to a more seamless total experience of work.Locale is planned for availability in the Winter of 2013.
Each of these designs is rooted in natural behaviors and preferences, serving intuitive modes and settings of work and performing seamlessly across Living Office landscapes. Herman Miller also has further ambitions for still more complementary tools and technologies now in development.