A Renew Table is up to 74 percent recyclable based on availability of recycling facilities.
Renew Tables are comprised of 49-percent recycled materials. This figure breaks down to 24-percent post-consumer and 25-percent pre-consumer recycled content.
Manufacturing Process
ISO-Renew Tables are manufactured in West Michigan at an ISO 14001-certified site. Worker Health and Safety-Herman Miller strives to meet or exceed OSHA standards. Renew Tables are manufactured at an OHSAS 18001-certified site.
Product Performance
Corporate Sustainability Policy
For more information on Herman Miller's Corporate Sustainability Policy and other environmental efforts, please visit HermanMiller.com/environment.
Supplier Support
At Herman Miller, we are committed to working closely with our suppliers to reduce our collective impact on the environment. We not only encourage our suppliers to minimize their operations' environmental impacts, but require they assist us in decreasing our facilities' negative environmental effects, as well.
Renew Tables may contribute to LEED credits due to their returnable/reusable packaging, durability, pre-consumer recycled content, and post-consumer content. Depending on location, Renew Tables also may contribute to a LEED Regional Materials credit. Please refer to http://hermanmiller.com/ecoScorecard or contact your Herman Miller representative for detailed LEED information. It's important to note that no interior furnishings, individually or collectively, can guarantee a specific number of points for LEED certification.
Herman Miller complies with the Federal Trade commission's Part 260 Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims.